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A total of 5.30 million kg of Ceylon Tea received fair demand at the Colombo Tea Auction this week with 4.47 million kg of Low Grown Main Grades and 1.8 million kg of High and Mid Grown Main Grades.
In the Leafy and Semi Leafy catalogues select best BOP1/OP1s were fully firm, whilst improved/below best OP1s maintained and the corresponding BOP1s gained substantially. Well-made OP/OPAs in general were fully firm to dearer, whilst others and poorer sorts maintained.
There was fair general demand at this weeks Ex-Estate auction. Select seasonal Western BOPs tended irregular but below best gained upto Rs.50 on quality. Select Western BOPFs and improved below best gained on special inquiry. Hardly any Nuwara Eliya BOPs were on offer and most BOPFs were unsold. Clean BOPFs gained upto Rs.50; Medium BOPs were firm to Rs.50 dearer on quality and the BOPFs maintained. CTC BPs were firm on last. PF1s maintained and the others tended irregular. (SD)
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