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They say, a cup of tea can instantly make your day better and it is true. This beverage is famous worldwide and loved by all. Some people opt for it as soon as they wake up; some people drink it when they are stressed and for some people it acts like fuel and a regular dose are absolutely mandatory. There are many different types of tea that people opt for but experts say that not all of them might serve your health in a positive way. But, black tea has some unique properties which may just transform your health in just one month.
Black tea also is a very widely consumed beverage and is often recommended by doctors. Read on to find out all about what it can do to your body in one month.
Black tea is associated with a healthy heart. According to studies, it has the power to help reduce LDL cholesterol levels, blood pressure and boost the entire cardiovascular system of our body.
Black tea is also linked with brain function. The tasty beverage contains L-theanine which is associated with better cognitive function. It can help you concentrate better and modulate brain function.
Black tea has both long term and short term impact on health. For long term health, it can really boost our gut health and improve our digestive system. It contains tannin which is known to act as a mild antibacterial. It has the power to promote the growth of good bacteria in our gut.
The L-theanine present in black tea is also known to increase alpha sensitivity in the brain thereby helping people relax and boosting their mood.
According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, black tea increases phytonutrients in the body. These are common plant nutrients also called antioxidants. These can produce biological activities and support our health in many ways.
According to a study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, some types of tea can really boost our metabolic health. Black tea falls under this category. A good metabolic health will also ensure good weight management.
Black tea is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties because of which it can help diseases related to inflammation. It can help relieve symptoms of influenza, common cold or viral and boost immunity at the same time.
(Disclaimer: This content provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information and take doctor's advice before following it because some people may be allergic to some kind of foods.)
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