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Subject: Richard (Dickie) Hermon
Total Images: 7
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I have no photos from my planting days in Ceylon, and this is a sampling of photos from my life in Australia after I left Ceylon in 1972. Dickie Hermon
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
Army Tank Commander in the Australian Defence Force, Army Reserves.
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
Major Richard Hermon
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
At the Australian Army training facility in Puckapunyal, Victoria
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
My family at Ohiya in 2018.
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
Photo Taken : 2018
From my cattle and alpaca farm - 1998 National Supreme Champion Alpaca of Australia, Genghis Khan, Judged by Dr Julio Sumar, International Alpaca Judge, Veterinarian and examiner of International Alpaca Judges. The National show was held at the Royal Exhibition Centre in Melbourne.
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
Templestowe Champion
Submitted By : Dickie Hermon
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